It’s a problem we can all relate to:
Keeping important personal documents safe and found, and shared instantly and securely.
A precise record of documents shared: who with, when and for how long.
No faff, no stress.

Life’s personal documents are filed simply and securely in seconds.
No faff, no stress.

Shared, verified when required, simply and securely in seconds.
No faff, no stress.

One simple app to keep all your paperwork safe and found
Free to download and use up to 1GB of storage, £3.99pcm to increase to 5GB
One Encrypted Ecosystem
Important personal documents are stored, shared and autofiled instantanously
Easy to manage
Save documents in to a logically organised digital filing cabinet.

Easy to share
Share documents securely in just three taps.

Set reminders
Never miss a renewal or document again.

For flat sharers and home-owners, simply store all your home documentation; legal contracts, statements, subscriptions and bills etc in logically organised folders.

Pet owners will be well aware of the amount of documentation we need to look after our furry friends. Certificates, vaccinations, insurance policies and prescriptions can all be stored in fyio and available at your fingertips 24/7.

fyio app is a fantastic tool for storing and sharing vital documents with family members and loved ones; including insurance policies, wills, certificates and precious family memories.