
for enterprise

Paperwork Happy
for enterprise

fyio pro is a transformational workflow tool making employee and customer onboarding simpler and more secure. And dramatically reducing the person hours required to support these processes manually.

  • Your employees' and customers' personal documents are safe and found in one secure space 24/7
  • Sensitive and confidential documents flow between individuals simply, seamlessly, securely and are instantly autofiled
  • You have a precise record of the documents you've shared, the documents shared with you, when they were shared and how long for
  • The people who matter to your business are protected


fyio pro enables confidential and sensitive personal documents to be shared simply and securely between individual, small business, and enterprise all within the fyio ecosystem. Documents are verified within fyio app when required, and instanteneously shared and autofiled within fyio pro.

Goodbye unsecure email, goodbye unwieldy tangles of links, goodbye complexity.

Hello to simplicity, accessibility, security. Hello fyio!